Whether you want to create your Mara as a Jedi, a blaster-wielding Smuggler, or maybe even the Emperor’s Hand, you decide what faction is most appropriate.

So I set myself a challenge in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The head-strong, thoroughly-capable former “Emperor’s Hand” who would later become a Jedi – after her own fashion of course. Among all these author-created characters another stands out – Mara Jade, who would later marry Luke Skywalker in the novels. Grand Admiral Thrawn trying to rebuild an Empire to be proud of and Pellaeon who wanted to bring much-needed changes to Imperial forces. Talon Karrde, the Smuggler turned information-broker business man and his Mistryl assassin companion Shada. Feel free to ask the community as well! Also, join our Discord for even more discussion.While I have only read a tiny fraction of what is called the Expanded Universe in Star Wars literature, the characters that capture my imagination the most are not the ‘canon’ ones from the movies. If you want to get into Legends, Canon, or both or want to learn more about the Expanded Universe in general, you can find a few links in the sidebar that may be helpful.

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